Why Recreation Therapists Are So Vital Right Now

It’s safe to say, CoVID-19 has had an effect on the whole world, especially those already vulnerable or at risk. So many people are already at risk of isolation, mental health issues and lack the ability to engage in daily activities that we take for granted. For many years Recreation Therapists, Diversional Therapists and Lifestyle Staff have worked tirelessly to create programs and plans that facilitate meaningful outcomes for these clients. Yet now the whole world is entering a new level of isolation, those at risk need their help more than ever.

We are already finding those at risk of homeless, the elderly, those with a disability and people with mental health issues are finding the addition of these new restrictions extremely difficult. The organizations that support and work with them are also dealing with these issues daily. And we are only at the beginning of this new phase.

Of course, the isolation imposed by governments is there to protect these clients and the community from contracting a virus that could potentially be harmful and even fatal for them.

It’s now up to recreation workers across the world to start sharing their gifts and making a more significant impact with more people to help counteract the effects of this isolation.

Humanity is a social species; the effects of isolation can significantly alter the lives of individuals and communities. A lack of the outdoors, social engagement and a loss of freedom can produce stress, anxiety and depression and a range of short and long term mental health issues. This can also put people at a higher risk of heart disease, dementia, increased cholesterol levels, and diabetes.

Isolation can also be the cause of the decline of a person’s immune system, which is obviously a concern during the current situation.

Therefore, it is important that people are getting all the help they need to counter the effects of this isolation. There is importance in steering the focus away from the debilitating news about the virus by keeping our minds engaged in positive and productive topics, goals, and socializing with positive influences in our lives.

Engaging in activities that we are passionate about, and not merely doing to keep busy, helps give people a sense of purpose. By doing meaningful activities, they will develop positive emotions and deepen their social connections to those with who they share their passions. Such relationships are essential in mental health due to its benefits of reducing stress levels, improving confidence, and feeling of belongingness.

For many clients and loved ones to achieve these goals, they will often need the help of trained Recreation Therapists, Diversional Therapists, and Recreation Leaders. These trained professionals have the necessary skills to ensure that every participant is involved in activities that are tailored to the individual’s interests, needs, and goals, thereby making an impact in the lives and improving the overall quality of life.

Whatever measures are imposed for COVID-19 safety, it’s important that people have the opportunity, support and ability to participate in meaningful activities. Humans are social creatures, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic, this experience may be challenging to have.

The Recreation profession has grown steadily over the past several decades and has continued to develop its learning, research, and skills in designing suitable programs for individuals. As the world is at a standstill due to the virus, recreation leaders are now more critical than ever.

For many organizations, this is also a time to invest more resources into this crucial area. While bringing additional support, these professionals will produce happiness and enjoyment for clients. It also reduces other costly effects such as unwanted and destructive behaviors, long term health issues, and reduces the unnecessary time spent dealing with tasks associated with isolated clients.

Its time for Recreation Leaders to step into the spotlight and help transform the lives of those that need their help. With the support of organizations, the public and a lot of self-care, Recreation therapists will be in the prime position to combat the effects of this isolation and provide many the life they deserve.

18 Replies to “Why Recreation Therapists Are So Vital Right Now”

  1. 100 percent agree. Diversional Therapist s need to be recognized for our vital work in Health care. We are not deemed essential by Government recently for payment but l know from resident patient feed back we are at the forefront for keeping a smile on people’s faces, to keep them mobile, to assist their cognition an well being, along with their spirituality . I’m proud to have worked not only as a nurse but as a Diversional Therapist for two decades.

    1. I concur. Mental health and overall wellbeing should not be taken for granted.

  2. Excellent article! Thank you for sharing this information on behalf of our Profession!

    1. You’re welcome! It is important to share how our profession can help these isolated clients during these trying times.

  3. Thanks so much For the great article. Please update the infographic with this spelling correction “Trained professionals with the skills”

    1. Thank you for reading the article! Most importantly, thanks for the correction. We will get on to it. 🙂

  4. l am proud o f the two members of my family who are currently engaged in this proffesion in nursing homes in spite of increased danger to themselves. quality of life at any stage is important.

  5. I am a Recreation and Leisure Services graduate and would be interested in learning more about the needs in Ontario. I am currently a sole proprietor as a life coach, but may look at supplementing my income if I may find rewarding work in the workforce.

    1. Go for it! There is definitely a big need for recreation professionals right now!

  6. Can we come up with some games people can join in on to help pass the time on line? Can we make up some educational games kids could play on line? Can we create a “do you remember list for older adults to contribute special events they thought were sifnificant. Can someone start a story that people can add to in a continuing saga. such as; it was cold and rainy when Marcy went to the corner store late that Fruday night. She didn’t see the black cat run across her path as she turned the corner, but right in front of her was a ? (add your idea)

    1. Hi Mary! Your ideas are great! Thank you for your suggestions. We can those activities in our current ones.

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